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Oct 30

greenSME Online-Workshop-miniseries: Developing a roadmap towards a European Sustainable Manufacturing Ecosystem until 2035

October 30, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

As part of the project greenSME, we invite you to an online-workshop-miniseries, in order to elaborate a roadmap towards a well-functioning European sustainable manufacturing ecosystem. Significant work is being performed in building a digital and green ecosystem in Europe. However, there is not a fully functional EU sustainable manufacturing ecosystem, but rather partial high impact business and research networks and initiatives, on the regional, interregional, national and European levels.  

We want to present to you the result of the research carried out at greenSME about trends, stakeholders and sustainable manufacturing solutions and on this basis discuss with you: 

  • overall vision of a Europe-wide sustainable manufacturing ecosystem, that focuses on SMEs in the sector and enables all key stakeholders to benefit from collaboration  

and in a second workshop 

  • define concrete measures in the most important areas of action 
  • set out a foundation for finding a sector-wide common pathway towards a EUSME in a certain timeframe  

The final aim is to develop concrete policy recommendations and a pathway for the sector itself of how to become more resilience and sustainable.  


1st Workshop: The vision of an effective and efficient European Sustainable Manufacturing Ecosystem in 2035 

Duration: 2 hours 

Date and time: Wednesday, 11.09.2024, 14.00-16.00 Central European Time 

2nd Workshop: The way to the European Sustainable Manufacturing Ecosystem 2035 

Duration: 3 hours 

Date and time: Wednesday, 30.10.2024, 13.00-16.00 Central European Time 


If you are interested in joining the discussion, please write a short e-mail to clara.behrend@tu-dortmund.de with subject matter “registration greenSME Roadmapping Workshop”.




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